[zh]大家新年好!又到了一个发布周期,今天,KlayGE 4.12.0正式发布。在这个过程中,有很多朋友通过github和论坛提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。由于这半年来工作比较忙,能花在KlayGE上的时间比较少,如有不足尽请见谅。[/zh] [en]Happy new years everyone! A new version of KlayGE is here. Today, I'm glad to announce that KlayGE 4.12 is released. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports via github and the forum. Thanks again for all your helps. Since I'm a little busy on work in the last half year, my spare time can be used on KlayGE is lesser then bef ...