Custom Query (259 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 259)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#270 fixed Refactor on shader compiling workflow gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 9 years ago.


Now shaders in all render plugins go through d3dcompiler. Refactor to abstract this to the front of the pipeline, reducing duplicate code.

#269 fixed Remove Cg gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 9 years ago.


1. Remove Cg from external. 2. Remove the usage of Cg from OpenGL and OpenGLES. 3. Write a document about post-Cg procedural.

#268 fixed Win10 UWP support gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 9 years ago.


Evolve to Win10's Universal Windows Platform APIs.

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