Custom Query (259 matches)


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Results (64 - 66 of 259)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#10 fixed Dual Paraboloid Shadow map gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 13 years ago.


加速点光源的shadow map,参考文献:

#104 fixed Dual SSR gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 12 years ago.


Extend screen space reflection into dual direction.

#90 fixed Effect JIT gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 12 years ago.


Add a effect JIT for compiling .fxml to binary format .kfx.

Before 3.6.0, KlayGE has a offline fxml compiler. But it's removed because it's a troublesome and inefficient to compile before running. A JIT can solve the problem while speed up loading.

In the same time, the new .kfx should have the ability to contain many native format for shaders. Including HLSL, HLSL bytecode, GLSL, OpenGL NV binary, OpenGL ATI binary, ESSL, Tegra binary, Z400 binary, PowerVR binary, and so on.

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