Custom Query (10 matches)


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Status: closed (10 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Version Resolution
#18 Postprocess based Stereoscopic gongminmin enhancement major 4.0.0 fixed
#38 FFT lens effect gongminmin task major fixed
#59 Screen Space Reflection gongminmin task major fixed
#78 Importance sampling in VPL's position gongminmin enhancement major 4.0.0 fixed
#88 Combine gamma correction and color grading gongminmin enhancement major 4.0.0 fixed
#89 Refactor flipping in rendering system gongminmin enhancement major 4.0.0 fixed
#90 Effect JIT gongminmin task major 4.0.0 fixed
#94 Point light rotation in deferred layer gongminmin defect major 4.0.0 fixed
#20 Atmospheric Scattering gongminmin task minor fixed
#79 Extend SSVO to SSGI gongminmin enhancement minor 4.0.0 fixed
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