Custom Query (259 matches)


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Results (52 - 54 of 259)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#85 fixed Simplex noise gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 12 years ago.


Implement simplex noise to replace Perlin noise.

#74 fixed SIMD optimization for MathLib gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 12 years ago.


Use SIMD to optimize the MathLib?

#224 fixed Sharing constant buffers between shader stages. gongminmin gongminmin

Reported by gongminmin, 10 years ago.


To reduce memory consumption and speed up cbuffers updating, sharing cbuffers in a shader object is necessary. Currently only D3D11 plugin has cbuffer support. So working on it only.

It's the first step of ticket #222.

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