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Archive for February, 2011
刚才试了一下最新的dxprof 1.0.8,在KlayGE的例子程序上可以稳定执行了,不像以前一样会crash。 dxprof的网站是,介绍如下: DxProf is realtime DirectX profiling tool for easy identification of performance bottlecks on the GPU. DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and DirectX 11 are supported. Functionality DXProf injects itself into applications that use DirectX for rendering. It analyzes each draw call in every frame and displays performance statistics for those draw calls, overlaying it over application frame buffer. It works with Direct X9, Direct X10, or Direct X ...
花了几个小时吧Instanced Tessellation实现了一下,并集成到PNTriangle例子中了。这下在D3D10级别的显卡上也可以支持tessellation。Instanced Tessellation速度不错,蛮实用的。相关资料在:。 目前还不支持Adaptive tessellation,所以每个三角形的细分级别都是一样的,对GPU来说是个负担。以后有空再做改进了。 细分5次以后的mesh相当密: 相比原先的mesh: