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上一篇把资源转成了用12的设备建立,下一步有点犯难了。 让我们做一个假设。要让一个最基本的系统能渲染起来,换句话说,关掉所有post process、UI、文字,就渲染一个三角形。至少需要一个vertex buffer、一个rtv、一个vs、一个ps、一次clear、一次draw call。Vertex buffer的问题已经解决;vs和ps本身和11的一样;clear和11的几乎一样,只要改成调用graphics command list上的函数即可;draw call也是。好了,那么问题就集中在 如何使用rtv; 如何组装起来渲染 但无论如何,这都是不归路。我们只能向前走,再也没法像前面那样,用11on12来让两者交互使用。 RTV D3D12里的RTV是放在一个heap里的,使用的时候把heap里的一个hand ...
可以自由使用的3D模型很少,高质量的就更少了。我打算把长期以来收集到的模型逐步共享出来,希望大家能相互交流。 有兴趣的朋友可以到这里下载。未来还会有越来越多的模型放出来。
CryENGINE 3 SDK, core of Crytek’s technology, is now available for free for non-commercial works: Anyone can now download a full version of the best All-In-One Game Development Engine, for free and use it without charge for non-commercial game development. You can try out the fastest toolset for creating game worlds and use the power of CryENGINE 3 in your own games. [caption id="attachment_1391" align="aligncenter" width="700" caption="CryENGINE 3 sandbox"][/caption] More information and download (658MB) HERE. 1. Is the CryENGINE 3 SDK really free to use? Yes. Anyone can now downlo ...
在GLIntercept 0.5了那么多年之后,1.0 Beta终于出了。GLIntercept在功能上类似gDEBugger,可以拦截OpenGL 1.0-2.1的函数调用,然后: 把所有的OpenGL函数调用保存到文本或者XML格式,用来记录每一帧。 在运行期显示和编辑shader。支持ARB VP/FP/GLSL和NV VP/FP。 改摄像机。自由浏览发给显卡的几何信息,打开/关闭线框模式/背面剔除/视锥。 保存和跟踪纹理。(支持绑在1D、2D、3D、NVRect和p-buffer上的纹理。)可以保存成TGA、PNG和JPG格式。 保存和跟踪shader/program。0.41开始支持ARB VP/FP/GLSL和NV VP/FP。 保存和跟踪display list。 在render call之前和之后保存OpenGL frame buffer (color/depth/stencil)。可以保存之前和 ...
刚才试了一下最新的dxprof 1.0.8,在KlayGE的例子程序上可以稳定执行了,不像以前一样会crash。 dxprof的网站是,介绍如下: DxProf is realtime DirectX profiling tool for easy identification of performance bottlecks on the GPU. DirectX 9, DirectX 10, and DirectX 11 are supported. Functionality DXProf injects itself into applications that use DirectX for rendering. It analyzes each draw call in every frame and displays performance statistics for those draw calls, overlaying it over application frame buffer. It works with Direct X9, Direct X10, or Direct X ...
在以前的一个帖子里,我还期待NV SDK 11早日到来。结果1月份快过去了,11没到,NV却偷偷摸摸地发布了NV SDK 10.6。更新如下: An improved version of Instanced Tessellation. This sample implements 3 major schemes for Approximating Catmull-Clark Subdivision Surfaces using instanced tessellation in both DX9 and DX10. In the sample, these three schemes are also compared in terms of their visual quality and performance. Bug fix for StencilRoutedKBuffer: the previous version would create a DX 10.1 device, resulting in corruption errors.  A modification to DXUTCore prevents the DX 10.1 device from bei ...
HPG2010上有一篇Parallel SAH k-D Tree Construction,论文和代码都公开了,分别在 看结果还不错,32线程可以到8倍的速度提升。
Here is a quick summary of it’s features : - Create countless different explosions. Each explosion is randomized and all important parameters can be changed - Exports to PNG complete with an alpha channel. No more black backgrounds and additive blending for your explosions anymore. The result texture inlcudes a full alpha channel - Different texture sizes (from 256×256 up to 4096×4096, depending on wether your graphics card can manage that) - Different grid sizes for setting the number of animation frames on a texture (4×4, 8×8, 16×16) - Use your own particle textures. Either use the in ...