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Tag: release
[zh]又到了6月30日,该发布KlayGE的新版本了。这半年来我能放在KlayGE上的时间比以前更少了,所以这个版本的新功能比较少,重点在于性能优化和解决一些积压已久的问题。在这个过程中,有很多朋友提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。[/zh] [en]How time flies. It's 6/30 again. It's time to release a new version of KlayGE. In the past 6 months, the time I can put on KlayGE is less than before. Not much new features in this release, majorly on performance improvement and some overstock issues. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for all your ...
[zh]在这2010s的最后一天,KlayGE发布了4.16!这个版本着重于一些比较底层的修改,能对未来的发展奠定基础。在这个过程中,有很多朋友提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。[/zh] [en]It's the last day of 2010s, and it's time to release KlayGE 4.16! In this release, many low-level changes are put in to build a solid foundation for the future. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for all your helps.[/en] [zh]KlayGE 4.16的主要更新如下:[/zh] [en]The highlighted features of KlayGE 4.16 are:[/en] [zh]引擎方面的改进[/zh][en]Improvements in ...
[zh]转眼又到了KlayGE发布新版本的时候,这次的版本号升到了4.15。虽然这个版本的新功能增加较少,但引入了较多会有较长期影响的修改。在这个过程中,有很多朋友通过github提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。[/zh] [en]Again it's time to release KlayGE 4.15. Although there are less new features in this release, some larger impact modifications are introduced. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports through github. Thanks again for all your helps.[/en] [zh]KlayGE 4.15的主要更新如下:[/zh] [en]The highlighted features of KlayGE 4.15 are:[/en] [zh]引擎方 ...
[zh]新年将至,又到了KlayGE的发布周期。这次的版本号升到了4.14。在这个过程中,有很多朋友通过github提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。[/zh] [en]New years' coming. It's time to release KlayGE 4.14. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports through github. Thanks again for all your helps.[/en] [zh]KlayGE 4.14的主要更新如下:[/zh] [en]The highlight features of KlayGE 4.14 are:[/en] [zh]引擎方面的改进[/zh][en]Improvements in engine[/en] [zh]完整的场景树支持。[/zh][en]Full functional scene tree.[/en] [zh]可以载入多种模型和纹理格式。[/zh][en]Ena ...
和去年4.11的情况一样,KlayGE 4.13.0的测试时间也比较少,在发布后才发现几个编译问题和bug。所以现在我把一些在develop分支里修正的bug和性能优化做了一个back port,作为4.11.1版本发布。 大家可以到下载页面找到新版本。
[zh]转眼6个月过去了,又到了KlayGE新版本发布的时间。这次的版本号升到了4.13。在这个过程中,有很多朋友通过github和论坛提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。由于这半年来工作比较忙,又因为有了其他的开源项目,能花在KlayGE上的时间少了很多,以至于计划的功能没有全部完成,尽请见谅。[/zh] [en]How time flies. It's another 6 months. A new version of KlayGE, 4.13, is ready to go. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports via github and the forum. Thanks again for all your helps. Since I'm a little busy on work in the last half year, and I have more open sour ...
[zh]大家新年好!又到了一个发布周期,今天,KlayGE 4.12.0正式发布。在这个过程中,有很多朋友通过github和论坛提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。由于这半年来工作比较忙,能花在KlayGE上的时间比较少,如有不足尽请见谅。[/zh] [en]Happy new years everyone! A new version of KlayGE is here. Today, I'm glad to announce that KlayGE 4.12 is released. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports via github and the forum. Thanks again for all your helps. Since I'm a little busy on work in the last half year, my spare time can be used on KlayGE is lesser then bef ...
由于KlayGE 4.11.0的测试时间较少,在发布后仍然发现了多个bug。我把这两个月里在develop分支修正的bug移植回4.11分支,做了一个4.11.1版本。 大家可以到下载页面找到新版本。
[zh]经过6个月的研发,今天我终于可以宣布,KlayGE 4.11正式发布。在这个过程中,有很多用户提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。由于我开了一个新的开源项目Dilithium,这次只有一半的时间花在KlayGE上。能用来测试的时间和设备都有不足,尽请见谅。[/zh] [en]After 6 months' R&D, I'm glad to announce that KlayGE 4.11 is released today. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for your help. Since my new open source project Dilithium, only half of my spare time can be used on KlayGE. Apologies if there is any problem in this release.[/en] ...
[zh]又到了12月底,首先,祝大家圣诞节和新年快乐!今天,经过6个月的研发,KlayGE 4.10正式发布了。在这个过程中,有很多用户提供了宝贵的建议和bug报告,在此表示感谢。由于时间和设备的限 制,难免有一些测试不足的情况,尽请见谅。KlayGE 4.10的主要更新如下:[/zh] [en]It's the end of December, happy holidays and new year! After 6 months' R&D, I'm glad to announce that KlayGE 4.10 is released. During this development cycle, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for your help. The highlight features of KlayGE 4.10 are:[/en] [zh]引擎方面的改进[/zh][en]Improvements in engi ...