With the hard work of the whole team, KlayGE 4.3 released today! During the development, many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for your help. The major updated features of KlayGE 4.3 are:
- A new subproject KFL
- Script engine (by Rui Wang, aka Array)
- High quality detail effect
- Improved Deferred Rendering
- Improved shadow generation (by Yuan Li, aka Vanish)
- Separate GI from deferred framework
- Refactor (suggested by lcbiotech)
- Large scale shadow
- Built by official Android NDK r8
- New input system, with touch input support
- Non-block resource loading and managing (suggested by lcbiotech)
- Enhanced stereo output (with Wenquan Sun’s help)
- Ability to embed into other GUI frameworks
- Supports multiple OIT methods
- Use C++11 to replace some boost sub-libraries
- Bugs fixed
KlayGE 4.3 is still using dual license: A open source license GPL and a proprietary one KlayGE Proprietary License (KPL). Details in Licensing.
You can download KlayGE 4.3 here.