

我记得去年在某个地方见到过用2个float模拟double的作法,经过一番玩命地搜索,得来全不费功夫,就在CUDA SDK的Mandelbrot例子里找到了2个float模拟double乘法的函数。甚至,GTX280上的double也是类似的方法模拟出来的,所以慢的惊人,只有float八分之一的速度。(EDIT: Mandelbrot在GTX480上,float和double都可以到60-70 fps,模拟的话只有20-30 fps,Fermi的double速度上去了)


// This function multiplies DS numbers A and B to yield the DS product C.
__device__ inline void dsmul(float &c0, float &c1,
    const float a0, const float a1, const float b0, const float b1)
    // This splits dsa(1) and dsb(1) into high-order and low-order words.
    float cona = a0 * 8193.0f;
    float conb = b0 * 8193.0f;
    float sa1 = cona - (cona - a0);
    float sb1 = conb - (conb - b0);
    float sa2 = a0 - sa1;
    float sb2 = b0 - sb1;

    // Multilply a0 * b0 using Dekker's method.
    float c11 = a0 * b0;
    float c21 = (((sa1 * sb1 - c11) + sa1 * sb2) + sa2 * sb1) + sa2 * sb2;

    // Compute a0 * b1 + a1 * b0 (only high-order word is needed).
    float c2 = a0 * b1 + a1 * b0;

    // Compute (c11, c21) + c2 using Knuth's trick, also adding low-order product.
    float t1 = c11 + c2;
    float e = t1 - c11;
    float t2 = ((c2 - e) + (c11 - (t1 - e))) + c21 + a1 * b1;

    // The result is t1 + t2, after normalization.
    c0 = e = t1 + t2;
    c1 = t2 - (e - t1);
} // dsmul
