
Merry Christmas. KlayGE meets its release milestone, again. Today, KlayGE 4.6 is ready to release! There are many “first time” in this version, I’ll list them out below. In this version, because of some personal affairs, the bandwidth I spend on KlayGE is lesser than before. Fortunately, old and new team members have done a good job during the development. Also, there are many users provide great suggestions and bug reports. Thanks again for your help. The highlight features of KlayGE 4.6 are:

Improvements in engine

Improvements in engineering

  • CMake-ified Boost, easier to build.
  • Introducing C# for UI, cross-calling with C++ core.
  • Take x64 as the default build for the first time. If you need x86 binaries, please build it yourself.
  • Not building with xp toolset for the first time. If you need running on WinXP, please build it yourself.

Improvements in mobile

  • Supports Windows Phone.
  • Supports WinRT ARM.
  • Supports 64-bit Android. (For the first time supports an unreleased platform)
  • Customized stream buffer, improving package file reading on Android.

Other improvements

  • Multiple bug fixed

KlayGE 4.6 is still in dual licensing: A open source license GPL and a proprietary one KlayGE Proprietary License (KPL). Details in Licensing.

You can download KlayGE 4.6 here. Happy new year everyone.